Executive Reporting

Progress Over Time • Compliance

Comparison to Peers • Team Accountability

As a manager of your security team, you need a way to tell your story to executives.
Use our templates or customizable dashboards to take your executive reporting to the next level.

  • Progress Over Time

  • executive reporting vulnerability count over time

    How do you show progress to your board? DeepSurface gives you the tools to show the metrics you want to show, over the time period that makes sense. Whether it be Outstanding Patches compared to last month, or your Risk Score compared to last year, a bar chart, a statistic, or an area chart, DeepSurface executive reporting gives you the flexibility you need.

    executive reporting risk score compared to last quarter
    executive reporting outstanding vulnerability count
    executive reporting patches compared to last year
  • Compliance

  • DeepSurface reports on compliance information from the most common and relied-upon compliance frameworks including NIST 800-53, HIPAA, ATT&CK, and PCI DSS V3.

    Show how well you are doing for specific frameworks, or even specific controls. Track compliance over time, and show detailed current snapshots.

    executive reporting top 15 nist 800-53 compliance scores
    executive reporting nist 800-53 compliance grade
    executive reporting nist 800-53 ac-8 compliance rating
  • Comparison to Peers

  • Understand how your risk levels compare to other organizations in your industry.  DeepSurface correlates anonymized risk scores across a broad set of verticals and organization sizes to help you understand how you’re doing right now and over time.

    executive reporting risk grade
    executive reporting peer percentile over the last quarter
  • Team Accountability

  • executive reporting tag vulnerabilities over time comparison

    How do your teams compare to each other? What progress have they been making over time? Report on the progress of individual teams and compare them to each other or show trends over time.

    executive reporting tag comparison
  • Tell Your Story

  • One size does not fit all. DeepSurface provides easy-to-use executive report templates that can be used right out of the box. In addition, our report creator provides an intuitive drag and drop interface with dozens of customizable widgets to build your own dashboard. Tell the exact story you need to tell to your board with customizable DeepSurface Dashboard.

    executive reporting drag and drop
executive reporting vulnerability count over time

How do you show progress to your board? DeepSurface gives you the tools to show the metrics you want to show, over the time period that makes sense. Whether it be Outstanding Patches compared to last month, or your Risk Score compared to last year, a bar chart, a statistic, or an area chart, DeepSurface executive reporting gives you the flexibility you need.

executive reporting risk score compared to last quarter
executive reporting outstanding vulnerability count
executive reporting patches compared to last year

DeepSurface reports on compliance information from the most common and relied-upon compliance frameworks including NIST 800-53, HIPAA, ATT&CK, and PCI DSS V3.

Show how well you are doing for specific frameworks, or even specific controls. Track compliance over time, and show detailed current snapshots.

executive reporting top 15 nist 800-53 compliance scores
executive reporting nist 800-53 compliance grade
executive reporting nist 800-53 ac-8 compliance rating

Understand how your risk levels compare to other organizations in your industry.  DeepSurface correlates anonymized risk scores across a broad set of verticals and organization sizes to help you understand how you’re doing right now and over time.

executive reporting risk grade
executive reporting peer percentile over the last quarter
executive reporting tag vulnerabilities over time comparison

How do your teams compare to each other? What progress have they been making over time? Report on the progress of individual teams and compare them to each other or show trends over time.

executive reporting tag comparison

One size does not fit all. DeepSurface provides easy-to-use executive report templates that can be used right out of the box. In addition, our report creator provides an intuitive drag and drop interface with dozens of customizable widgets to build your own dashboard. Tell the exact story you need to tell to your board with customizable DeepSurface Dashboard.

executive reporting drag and drop

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